Spring is undoubtedly one of the prettiest times of the year, and who can resist falling in love with all of the flowers blooming and the sun shining. If you are one of the millions of Americans who suffer from seasonal allergies, then spring might come with a lot more headaches and frustrations and a box of tissues.

While you can’t change the vast amounts of pollen that’s falling from the skies as soon as you step outside; you can adjust how your allergies affect you indoors by taking a few extra steps to prep and maintain your home for the spring.

Here are some simple tips to prepare for spring:

• Keep your windows closed. As much as you want to let the fresh, spring air in, it could cause more harm than good. Open windows mean that pollen can enter your home and take up residence in your home on your rugs, couch, bedding, etc.
• Spring cleaning is vital. Vacuum your floors and carpets regularly. Make sure to dust your countertops and wash your bedding once a week. This will ensure a clean house and minimal pollen.
• Take off your shoes at the door and ask that your guests do the same. You don’t want to track in all the pollen and allergens that you’ve worked so hard on keeping out.
• Turn to your air conditioning unit over using a fan. A fan will make the matters worse by keeping all the pollen airborne. Your HVAC system filters the air and will better protect you and your family.

Keep in mind that your HVAC system does a lot for you and your family and, thus, needs proper maintenance yearly. For more information about taking care of your HVAC system and to schedule your appointment today, call the professionals withLegacy HVAC Solutions.